End of the world in the heart of the metropolis! Horrible monsters are currently causing its destruction.Obtain a firearm that can be relied upon, and use it to intimidate the filthy creatures into living in line with the law.In order to defend the city, you should work on improving both your weapons and your talents, and you should aim your weapons at the heads.When it comes to TapTapKing.com, the regulations of the gameThe giants that are contributing to the destruction of the city ought to be the object of your aim and fire. It is imperative that you ensure you have sufficient time to kill them before the monsters completely eradicate all of the inhabitants.Every weapon has its own distinct method of firing that is linked to it.Controlling the aim can be accomplished through the use of the mouse on a personal computer or a mobile device.During the course of the game, you should give your guns a boost before commencing the level, and you should also make sure to try with a variety of various kinds of weaponry.