Participate in the adventures of Buzz Lightyear, the lovable astronaut from the well-known Toy Story cartoon series, who is in need of your assistance in order to complete the missions that are located in Andy's room. These missions have a lot of challenges, and you have to finish them without being detected! Have a good time playing this brand new game, Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue, which is available for free on and is made available to you in its entirety.
The Disney children's film Toy Story 2 served as the inspiration for this brand-new platform video game, which was launched in the year 2000 for the Play Station, Nintendo, and personal computers!
According to this scheme, Al McWhiggin was the one who abducted Woody! Putting yourself in the position of the courageous space warrior Buzz Lightyear, you must discover a means to save your closest friend. You can soar to infinity and beyond by opening your wings, jumping, shooting with your laser toy, collecting hundreds of gold coins, and spreading your wings. Across all of the different scenarios, you will have the opportunity to experience a total of fifteen different levels. Have a good time playing this one-of-a-kind classic game.