Taking its inspiration from the well-known Subway Surfers series, Subway Horror: Chapter 1 presents a scary take on the genre of video games. During the course of the story's progression, you will find yourself immersed in a horrific mystery that takes place deep within the city. The peculiar incidents that take place on the train will quickly point you in the direction of the realization that your mission is more complicated than simply avoiding an attacker. For the purpose of unraveling the mystery that surrounds the inspector, you will be need to carry out investigations, solve puzzles, and collect evidence that is of critical importance.
Visit TapTapKing.com to have access to the most comprehensive collection of Subway Surfers games that are available for free.
The underground system is hiding a number of sinister mysteries; who is this mystery man, and what are these riddles? As you progress farther into the game, you should anticipate that your heart rate may quicken as a result of the fearful and stressful setting, which includes the presence of psychological discomfort. In order to learn the truth before your dangerous foe catches up with you, you will need to navigate the first-person subway levels with caution while equipped and prepared.